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  1. I’ve never heard about the colonial knot and I will surely use it here. How many strands did you use from the thread?

  2. Looks great Joy, you certainly were a busy bee yesterday, great to catch up. I’ve not done candlewicking, or anything much by hand, Pat is the candlewicking guru though. Have a good day, and looking forward to seeing progress on your QAL.

  3. Not started anything with this yet, but the candlewicking brought back may thoughts on doing colonial knots, instead of french knots as I always get them tangled & to my way of thinking colonial are much easier. Margaret Upston from Drouin has some beautiful candlewick designs. I’ll show you when we next see each other. I’m scared to start something new till I get these baby quilts finished. Take care & stay safe.S

  4. I haven’t done candlewicking for a long time – nice to see it again. Just a couple of notes I thought of as I read – you could also use crochet cotton if that’s all you have (I often use it because it gives a bit larger (thicker?) stitch). And…when pressing, place a towel beneath and the stitches won’t flatten as much. I learned by trial and error (much error!).

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