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  1. We had a wood and coal burning fireplace insert in our last house that we loved. It and the Ashley wood/coal stove came in quite handy when we had a huge snow storm and were without power for three days. It was nice to be able to cook on and in them!! I hope you are feeling better soon and have fun with your goals this week!! It does appear the kitty loves the extra sofa!

  2. Hope you feel better soon….. and lovely to have your fire going properly…. it might self clean with the heat??? our does though it never looks properly clean…

  3. Really hope the ‘icky feeling’ doesn’t develop any further! Take care of you.
    Your list is a long one but you’ll get such a feeling of accomplishment when you tick things off.

  4. Hope you start feeling better Joy. Loki is so cute! Love your new sofa setting, and that view you have is beautiful. Yes the cats always love their own sofa – lol! Good luck getting it sorted out this week. Your Chooky blocks are so cute.
    Thank you for sharing with us at To Do Tuesday!

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