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  1. Really like that topper design and the quilting motif. Looks like it may have to be Sapphy’s quilt!

  2. I have the very same star panto! It works up nicely, doesn’t it?!
    Love the pics of Saphy–she is a sweet assistant. The quilts will wait until her
    nap is over! lol

  3. Had to have a giggle at Sapphy. Typical cat. Trying to sew my coffins at night & 1 of my cats thinks she needs to be lying on it. very hard to move it along to sew when there is a cat on it. 🙂 Love th table runner & the quilting design you used. Hugs,xx

  4. lovely to see the quilting machine out and having a bit of a play…. looking forward to seeing your stitching all done…

  5. Hello, Joy! I haven’t commented in a long time, but I just want you to know that I adore your blog and so enjoy following your adventures. I live in the US, in the state of Virginia, and although I am not famous like you or have a blog, I love receiving your posts. You have inspired me to get more organized and dig into my UFOs! It sounds like you are happily back in Australia, where I hope that you can stay for awhile and not have to move. Thanks for being a true Joy! Love, Erika

  6. Glad to see Sapphy enjoying working with you!!!! The table topper looks lovely & I must get the first stitchery started in between pattern writing…..ugh, that’s hard. Take care & talk soon.

  7. Lovely table runner and quilting, had to smile at your assistant under the quulting machine. Cats know the best place to be for sure!!

  8. The Christmas table topper is great – but I have to say that my favourite is your studio Cat-isistant!! How could you not love that sweet little innocent face.

  9. Your kitty is the real Star here. Typical cat, always somewhere in the middle of your work 🙂

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