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  1. Great goals, Joy! Congrats on becoming an AccuQuilt Australia Associate! You have a LOT of dies!! I have a lot, but not that many. I love using them for cutting. Surely saves time for me, not to mention achy joints! LOL Have a great week!

  2. It’s always good to have goals I think…. plans and dreams. Crafters can never fit in everything they want to I have discovered!

  3. Ginger Village looks darling and I am one of those who was not around the first time you ran it. So thank for running it again.

  4. I have hopes and plans to be more organized this year, too, especially since I’ll finally be done homeschooling all my kids. Maybe I’ll get my UFO piles trimmed down to a more respecable height. 🙂

  5. Aha, I’m liking your plans/ideas for this year & will be interested in the clearing out of some UFO’s too. Talk soon. Take care & hugs.

  6. I took a peek at the chicken project – very cute! I’m not a chicken person per se, but I can appreciate them. Looking forward to watching your quilt evolve.
    Re the UFO challenge I suppose I can say that I’ve (sort of) tackled one of mine. I don’t have too many and both of the main ones are quilts. While I was sans computer I hauled out one of them and started hand quilting. What a chore!!! Reminded me of why it ended up being a UFO in the first place.

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