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  1. Joy, I hope you got some rest and your daughter gets relief and gets the gallbladder removed. Been there, done that, felt SOOOO much better afterwards. Prayers for her and you all! That Easter basket is so cute! Looking forward to seeing what else you have in mind with the die.

  2. I hope your daughter is feeling better and can soon get the gallstones removed so she can get back to normal. I’m a tad late in wishing you a happy Easter – sorry.
    Love your sweet little studio helper!

  3. Cute basket! I hope your daughter is feeling better already and that you feel the strength of the risen Lord in caring for her. Thanks for hosting the link-up motivation.

  4. So sorry to hear about your daughter’s issues, that has to be so painful. I hope she gets better soon. Your basket is adorable! Hope you have a much better week.

  5. Your poor daughter – I hope she feels better soon. The Easter basket is very cute! I think Slow and Steady is a good way to work – you do get there in the end!

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