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  1. Oh yes, we do take those things for granted but even in a new house, those things happen. At least you got to bake a pie! Looks yummy. LOL Hope you all get to feeling better and get running water.

  2. No water, and COVID, and “gastro”?? What a mess!! My sympathies – I’ve done the no water thing, and it’s pretty awful.
    It is wonderful that your insurance offered you a place to stay (not always the case!!)
    Even better, the leak is found and the main could be turned on long enough to get water. Not ideal, but beats hauling jugs from friends’ houses!!
    And best – you managed to sew. And have a good meal, provided by a loving person, and enjoy it. That makes you the kind of person where this will be a fun story to tell later. Thanks for sharing your story and all the best to you for a full recovery from COVID for your peeps and from the leak for your House!!

  3. I hope you get to feeling better soon & no one else gets sick. I agree that we do take things for granted. We just get used to everything in the norm then something happens & it jolts us a bit. That was so sweet of Dad to drop off dinner. Hopefully the water will be fixed & everyone feels great in no time. Always love your updates. 🙂

  4. Guao. Lamento que estén pasando esa situación. Menos mal que no los dejaron solos y tuvieron el apoyo del agua, pero igualmente con la familia enferma, la verdad fue un muy mal momento para que se presentara esa novedad en la casa. Por fortuna ya muy pronto estará resuelto. Te entiendo perfectamente porque vivo en Venezuela y no tener agua, electricidad, gas, comunicaciones o gasolina son el pan nuestro de cada día. Sin embargo también buscamos las soluciones y la vida continúa.
    Espero que muy pronto superen sus malestares. Me encantó el bloque. Con problemas estomacales, es el único pay que pueden comer, hahahaha. Recibe un fuerte abrazo!

  5. Something like this certainly teaches us to more fully appreciate what we do take for granted. I hope your water is soon fixed – and that everyone is feeling much better.

  6. Sounds like you are having quite a time of it! Hope you can get the water back up soon and that you all get better soon! Like you say it could be a lot worse with flooding down there and war in Ukraine. Hugs!

  7. My goodness! How dreary. Its been said that occasionally God gives us reality checks. Looks like you got yours during illness. Added to floods, alot of Ky totally lost homes during the unusual timing of January to vicious tornadoes. I’m glad you’re still warm and dry. And hallelujah to those of us that are campers and tend to have a few more survival skills and tricks. Get well soon. Cute, cute pie and oven mittens. Going to be a great quilt.

  8. Problems never seem to come just one at a time do they? I am sorry you you are sick and contending with this major plumbing problem. But you make a good point that it is an inconvenience; not the loss of life as you have have always known it as in Ukraine. I hope you all can rest despite all of this.

  9. Oh thats a real pain for you especially not feeling the greatest. I hope you feel a lot better soon and get your water sorted….xx

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